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100/550 SkyWatcher ESPRIT Triplet-APO with original fullframe flattener, flightcase, 9x50 finder, 2" 99% star diagonal

Marke:  -SkyWatcher
Diam.: 100mm
Focus: 550mm
Mount: OTA
Transportgewicht:  21kg (Versandkosten)
EAN Code:  5999099602361

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2418.89 EUR

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a fast photographic Super Apochromat

100/550 Triplet APO with Ohara FPL53 Glas, optical design by our colleague Guylai Pal in Hungary

Tested in Sky&Telescope 10/2014

the optical design

these were the requirements:
- best possible visual optical quality on axis, without compromise
- a designated field flattener for full field correction up to full frame
- a mechanical robust system with stable collimation, and fairly easy to adjust if necessary (no Quadruplet or Quintuplet system)

and here the design diagrams:
- Strehl by design 99% on axis at 550nm (click for Polystrehl)
- fulfillment of definition for full Apochromats
- perfectly corrected field up to fullframe

We have done extensive Tests with Esprit100, and found it is verycompatible with the Riccardi Reducer at f/4,1 check out the report in our blog:
Testbericht im Blog


The Esprits give best perfomance when used with the dedicated flatteners, choose to add it from the options menu beneath the price.
They really excel when finetuned and collimated and we can do that individually for your instrument.
We also do photographic tests to check the regularity of the star halo. No other dealer will get you that service.
Here are more informations about what we do and how we take care of this fine lenses:

Esprit optimizing and testing

You may choose the optimization from the options menu (together with flattener), and if you prefer to get also an interferometric measurement
and documentation of the tests BEFORE you buy, please choose certificate + flattener.

optical system: triplet Super Apochromat (air gaps)
aperture: 100mm
focal length: 550mm
focl ratio: f/5,5
light gathering power: 204x
resolution: 1,38“
max. recommended magnification: 200x
weight: ca. 6kg (OTA)
length: 47cm

optical tube (100/550) with 3“ Linear Power focuser, CNC tube rings, short Losmandy rail, 9x50 finder, 2" 99% star diagonal

Testfoto mit Skywatcher 0,85x Reducer/Flattener

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